These are the programs each agency offers:
BROC Community Action: Financial Education; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA); Employment and Training; Community Food Shelves; Farm to Family; Feed the Freezer; 3SquaresVT; Child & Adult Care Food Programs; Housing Counseling; Rental Counseling; Fuel and Utility Assistance; Weatherization; SAVES Southwestern Vermont Energy Savers; Community Justice Center.
Capstone: EnergySmart; Head Start; Family Literacy Center; Community Kitchen Academy; Child Care Food Program; Savings & Credit Programs; Tax Preparation Program; Workforce Development Program; Children’s Hour Supervised Visitation; Food & Nutrition Programs; Home Heating and Utility Assistance; Housing Counseling & Services; Community Economic Development; Weatherization; Family and Community Support Programs; Transportation.
CVOEO: Community Action; Food Shelves; 3SquaresVT; Fuel Assistance; WARMTH; Housing Assistance; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA); Gas and Electricity Assistance; Farm to Family Coupons; Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Shelter, Support, and Advocacy; Growing Money; Financial Empowerment for New Americans Project; Racial Equity; Head Start; Weatherization; Children’s Integrated Services; Fair Housing Project (statewide); VT Tenants (statewide); Mobile Home Program (statewide).
NEKCA: Food Shelves; 3SquaresVT; Farm to Family Coupons; Fuel and Utility Assistance; Power Partners; Furnace Replacement; Housing Counseling; Housing Financial Assistance; Transitional Housing and Services; Parent-Child Centers; Childcare Support Services; Family Support Worker and Visiting Nurse Services; Family Education Programs; Community Action Youth Services; Newport Teen Center; The Runway Program; Assets for Change Program; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA); Head Start Child Care; Job Coaching and Training; Early Education and Child Care; Adult Education; Thrift Store; Community Based Justice Program; Court Diversion; Youth Substance Abuse Safety Program; Driving with License Suspended Program; Pre-Trial; Balance and Restorative Justice.
SEVCA: Workforce Development; Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA); Windham Workforce Investment Board; Crisis Fuel and Utility Assistance; Housing Assistance; 3Squares; Head Start; Parenting Education; Weatherization; Home Repair; Thrift Stores; VT Everyone Eats.
The ability of caring organizations and legislative bodies to provide help to businesses weathering the current situation shows a strong commitment to the health of our community and neighbors. Thank you!